Handling Trays & MAGAZINES

Loading/ Unloading (Vials, Ampules, Cartridges, etc.)

The handling system (partly patent-registered), developed by Automations Robotic GmbH, is perfectly suitable to load and unload machines in the pharmaceutical production. This applies to all established combinations of trays/ magazines and their containers (see below table). 

Depending on size of trays/ magazines respectively containers, speeds of 600 containers per minute and more can be achieved.

Material Tray/ Magazine

Stainless Steel
Aluminium Plastic (rigid)

Polypropylen (flexible plastic trays)

Loading/ Unloading of (Syringe Tubs)

By using an automatic handling equipment from Automations Robotic GmbH, syringe tubs can easily be picked up at the outfeed of a machine or delivered to the infeed of a downstream production process. Thereby it is insignificant, whether after pick up from a machine the tubs have to be sealed with a lid or a lid must be removed from the tubs prior to feeding.  

Depending on number of nested syringes in a tub, speeds of 600 syringes per minute or more can be achieved.

Syringe Tubs

Pick-up from machine

Feeding of a machine

Tubs w/o lid
Tubs with lid Removal/ Placing
Tubs with snapped lid Removal/ Placing